BSE was originally written by Bill Foote of Sun Microsystems and was intended to be used to sign MHP applications at IFA and IBC 2001. The code was released under an open source license as an interpretation of the MHP signing model.
When MHP broadcasts became a reality in Finland a client asked Infocast Systems to write software to test MHP application signing. Infocast Systems picked up the original BSE code, developed it further and also added a graphical user interface.
At this point a decision was made to release the modified version and start an open source project at SourceForge.
Currently BSE contains the following features, tested against several real-life MHP 1.0.2 implementations
Some features that would fit nicely into BSE making it a true all-round tool for preparing applications for broadcast
All interested developers are welcome to join the project. Please contact a project admin to get added to the project members list and get developer CVS access. You can also send patches via e-mail.
Help in documenting BSE is also welcome. If you are interested please contact a project admin.
For other communication please use the mailing lists.